Food Dust, glitters, Paints & Lustres to add that extra sparkle. – Centaur Packaging

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Edible Glitter Dusts & Lustres - centaur packaging

Edible Glitter Dusts & Lustres

Edible Glitter Dusts & Lustres

Cake decorating is very popular in Australia. Whether you are a person who makes a yearly cake for your family or a seasoned cake décor Centaur Packaging has the supplies for you. Glitters that are food safe and edible are fun to add to Cakes and Cupcakes. Food colourings in Dust and Lustres can be painted on to your cake.


Can you eat any type of Glitter?

Definatly not! it must be an edible food safe Glitter for human consumption.

Where can I buy food Dust for colouring Cakes?

Centaur Packaging sells food colouring and Food Dust which is used to colour Cakes.

Can I use edible glitter in cocktails?

Yes it is perfect for use in cocktails as it is edible.

How do I apply edible lustre dust?

Dip a soft brush into the dust, tap off excess onto a tissue or paper towel and apply to your cookies or cakes.